Friday, May 30, 2008


This morning Braden and I finally said "hello" to baby talk at the library. We had a great time! Braden's favorite part was getting to use the instruments, primarily made up of shakers. He especially loved getting to put the instruments away... aka throw them in the basket! And we got to enjoy the fun time with Micah and Sarah.

Today Brad is saying "goodbye" to his job ay Citi. He has been there for over 4 years and it was time to say goodbye and seek a new adventure! By the way, thank you to everyone who prayed for open doors, wisdom in choices, and patience for the task at hand. You'll never know how much your prayers on behalf helped! By the way, isn't God awesome! When one future is filled with doubt and uncertainty He is always there laying the foundation for the unforseen road ahead! We know You always take care of us and yet we are always so quick to forget that You are in control!
Braden and I had lunch with Brad today on his last day of work in Madison.

So the final "hello" is what was the "unforseen road ahead", but is now a new job for Brad! On Monday, Brad will start as the Financial Center Leader at BB&T in Greensboro, GA. Please pray for him as he starts this new journey at a new job and has to leave old friends and relationships behind at his old job. I'll keep you updated on how it is going.

1 comment:

emily anderson said...

this is so random, but i just found your blog and you have my best friends website listed in your faves!
bella signs...james is my bff!
maybe this isn't so random and i've been here before, but i just thought i'd tell ya that!