I cannot believe my baby is one! This year has flown by and it is truly amazing what happens in a year- how much a little helpless baby grows and develops. Parker's personality has developed so much these past few months and I can't wait to see who he is going to be as he grows up!
If I had to describe my Park these are the words I would use: lovable, curious (really he's just plain nosey), opinionated (yes, apparently all Hoffman children will have this characteristic!), active, VERY active, quick, fearless (this is not a good combination with curiosity), adores his big brother, silly, gives the best squeezy hugs I've ever had and totally a momma's boy. When Parker gets sleepy he puts his hands in his hair and plays with it and it absolutely the sweetest sight I've ever seen.
Parker's reflux has gotten so much better and he rarely spits up anymore. He is eating mostly people food, but we are still supplementing with baby food. He loves spaghetti, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, bbq, and waffles and can't stand grits.
He LOVES cell phones and will completely fight you to get his hands on one. He loves bathtime and running around naked. He actually gets in a better mood with each layer of clothing that comes off! He cracks up laughing when he gets kisses on his sweet little feet and enjoys chasing Avery around trying to feed her. He wants to be in any room that Braden is playing in and enjoys snatching Braden's toys and running off with them. And I do mean running- his feet move faster than any 12 month old's should! He can destroy a room in 2 seconds flat and gets into every cabinet, drawer, box, or bag that he can. He enjoys going into a room and closing the door behind him- just last week he closed himself into our bedroom and then proceeded to climb under the bed, but got stuck under it halfway through and Brad had to rescue him!
He has 3 front top teeth, 2 bottom front teeth, and two big teeth coming in the back. He has had 4 ear infections this year and the flu 3 times- next year he is getting his flu shot as soon as they are released! He can hold his spoon and tries to feed himself- super cute! and can drink from a sippy cup, we are still working on a straw. He currently weighs 19 lbs, 9 0z (25th percentile) and is 30 inches long (75th percentile).
He does not like strangers (complete opposite of his big brother) and only goes to 4 people willingly- me, Brad, and my parents. He looks so much like my brother it is comical! He has just learned to dance and it is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
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