He is stubborn.
He is lovable.
He is independent.
He is funny.
He likes things to be just so.
He is helpful.
He loves more deeply than most children I have encountered and he argues more passionately than ANY child I have ever met.
But as hard as he is to tolerate....and yes I said tolerate, he is my amazing, wonderful, exhausting, precious child and I could not imagine one minute without him in our lives.
Lately I have been reading The Strong Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson because there are some days when I lay down at night to go to sleep and all I can think about is did I do enough for him today, am I molding him to be a kind person, a humble person, a person who loves Jesus and loves others with all his heart, a person who is responsible for his own choices and actions, a person who feels loved unconditionally and affirmed? Am I doing enough for him? And the answer is not always, I am not always the best mother that I could be and that answer is just not good enough.
But I am trying to learn how to love, discipline and respect this crazy, highly opinionated, strong willed child of mine that God blessed me with. I am learning how to shape his will, rather than break his will and it is not an easy job. More than anything I am on my knees asking for guidance when it comes to the daily battles of life.
Braden Wright Hoffman- even when you make my mornings stressful, my days very eventful and at times my evenings positively dreadful, you are still my amazing, beautiful, strong child and I love you more than life.