Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Little Fisher"boy"

Sunday after we feasted on a delicious meal of roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, peas, fried okra (I know you're jealous Sarah) and homemade biscuits~ all fixed by my mama, the guys (Brad, my dad and my brother) went fishing. After a couple of cat naps that is! My mom and I got Braden scrubbed down with Skin so Soft to ward off the many creepy crawlers that we feared would attach themselves to his sensitive skin and headed to watch the boys fish. At least until I could get some good pictures! Lo and behold as soon as we arrived, Brad caught a fish! Braden went straight to the fish and grabbed it with both hands! ALL BOY!! Later on, he carried a worm around. Every time the worm would wriggle free Braden would pick it back up and walk around with it dangling from his hand. EWWWWWW! ALL BOY!! I must admit that since I wouldn't touch the worm, every time he dropped it I would point to the worm and tell him to pick it up! No way was I going to pick it up to hand it back to him! EWWWW!
Checking out Daddy's fish
Worm Boy
Dad, Chad & Brad with their catch